During my Advanced Programming in Java class at National University, I worked on a project that allowed me to put my knowledge into practice: a JavaFX Appointment Calendar. This application was designed to manage appointments through a user-friendly interface, with a simple file-based backend for storing appointment data.

The JavaFX framework provided the tools necessary to create a responsive and interactive GUI, while the file storage backend enabled the application to save and retrieve appointments efficiently. Whenever a new appointment was added or an existing one was updated, the application seamlessly handled the changes and persisted the data in the file.

JavaFX Appointment Calendar Screenshot

One of the most rewarding aspects of this project was seeing how well the combination of JavaFX for the frontend and file handling for the backend could work together. This project not only strengthened my understanding of Java but also gave me practical experience in building real-world applications. You can check out the full project on my GitHub repository here.